Saturday, May 15, 2010

Venus of Willendorf

Most likely as a result of a conversation with my sister, I crocheted this small Venus of Willendorf doll. I did not have a pattern. I crocheted her from memory. The head and torso are one piece. The arms, legs and breasts are seperate pieces, stitched to the torso. This and at least 2 others (given as gifts) were small. A subsequent conversation with my sister resulted in a larger version of Venus. This followed the same pattern, but on a larger scale.

This doll was my first entry into a staff show at the Gallery. She sat unceremoniously atop a glass case. I am told she was highly regarded by fellow staff members, and for a month or so she was high art. More frequently she is an amusing pillow.

The next time I made a large doll I attempted one continuous stitch (rather than putting pieces together) The breasts are a challenge as they are more bouyant and of notably different sizes. She is also blue.

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